To submit a demo please e-mail us your info and links to your music at the address on the left. You’ll probably notice that we don’t have a huge number of bands signed to us at the moment so please don’t assume that sending your details will secure a record deal. Unfortunately we don’t have the resources to respond to everything that’s submitted, but if we are interested we’ll contact you.
Also in 2006, we re-released Snow Patrol’s two very excellent Jeepster albums with loads of extras including b-sides and a video. We then slipped back into our accidental habit of working with Glasgow based bands and added the bouncy and energetic Parka to our roster. Like SixNationState Parka recorded a debut album to be proud of and ‘Attack of the Hundred Yard Hardman’ hit stores in spring 2008.
In the summer of 2008 we released an album of highlights from Belle & Sebastian’s various BBC Sessions with, in addition, a limited edition twelve track live recording dating back to 2001. The album provides the band’s dedicated fans with a nostalgic reminder of how Belle & Sebastian’s live sound progressed.