Listen!  It is calling out in the streets and market places, calling loudly at the city gates and wherever people come together…

“The Green Fields of Foreverland” by The Gentle Waves was recorded and mixed in November Nineteen-Ninety-Eight.  It took seven days and seven nights.  There was much activity.  It involved frantic phonecalls and late night labouring, the hiring of transit vans, the ‘acquiring’ of vibraphones and the kidnapping of friends from their day jobs.  Most came from their own freewill, whilst others guarded their telephones and recovered from jet lag.  It has been said that some even sought refuge, deep in the sofas of the Kelvingrove recording house.  There were quiet songs, cowboy songs and uneven sad songs too.

Everybody helped in the way they knew best.  Mother played chauffeur, which is nothing new, but this was to ensure an early start.  Hopefully before noon.

Friends came bearing support, musical gifts, flowers and sandwiches.  David, Margaret, Richard, Chris, Stuart, Michael, Moyra and Steven.  There were almost twelve songs.  Violin, flute, drums, rhodes, honky-tonk, bass, clarinet and guitar too.  When they left something had happened – “The Green Fields of Foreverland” had been built.  Birdsong from the Dear Green Place had been given its flawed and fragile birth.